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Zombie Island -
Benvenuti sull' isola degli Zombie, un nuovo gioco su Facebook. In Zombie Island dovrete gestire la Vs squadra di zombie, coltivare, raccogliere ingredienti, cucinare ricette, cercare il tesoro e costruire la migliore isola possibile. Buon Divertimento !!! Nota : per giocare a questo gioco devi avere un account su Facebook.

Zombie Island - Welcome to Zombie Island, a new game on Facebook. In Zombie Island you will be in charge of managing your team of zombies as they grow crops, harvest ingredients, cook creepy recipes, and dig for treasure all in an effort to build the best island possible. This walkthrough will introduce you to the mechanics of the game and help you get started in the game world. Have Fun! Note : To play this game you must have a Facebook account.

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